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Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation

CPU Bus Units

CPU Bus Units handle special I/O and communications needs to achieve advanced position control, motion control, and network communications.

Product Discontinued CS1W-EIP21 / EIP21S CS1W-ETN21 CS1W-NC[]71

CPU Bus Units List

There are 10 products of CPU Bus Units.

CS1W-EIP21 / EIP21S CS-series EtherNet/IP Unit CS1W-EIP21 / EIP21S

EtherNet/IP unit with tag data link capacity of 180,000 words or more

CS1W-ETN21 SYSMAC CS-series Ethernet Unit CS1W-ETN21

Organically Connect the Production Site and Management

CS1W-CLK SYSMAC CS-series Controller Link Units CS1W-CLK

New Controller Link Units, Now with 4,000 Send Words

CS1W-FLN22 CS-series FL-net Unit CS1W-FLN22

Connect to Multivendor Controller Networks

CS1W-NC[]71 SYSMAC CS-series MECHATROLINK-II-compatible Position Control Units CS1W-NC[]71

Decrease TCO with Simple Operation, Reduced Wiring, Batch Settings, and Batch Management

CS1W-DRM21-V1 CS-series DeviceNet Unit CS1W-DRM21-V1

A DeviceNet Unit for the CS Series That Boasts Industry-leading Performance and Functions

CS1W-LCB01 / LCB05 Loop Control Boards CS1W-LCB01 / LCB05

By combining function blocks, a wide array of control methods, from basic PID control to cascade and feed-forward control can be easily configured.

CS1W-PRM21 PROFIBUS-DP master unit CS1W-PRM21

Exchanges I/O data and communication/status information with the CPU of the PLC